Can you quit smoking with CBD?

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In 2013, researchers from the University College of London conducted a study on 24 active smokers who had a problem quitting smoking. Half of the subjects were given a placebo, while the other half received CBD. The substances were available to the respondents in the form of an inhaler, which they had to reach when they were craving nicotine. The results were astounding, as ALL of the CBD users showed a gradual decrease of craving by up to 40%. The situation of the people who received the placebo did not change, which proves that the therapy fought the problem of physical addiction, not mental addiction. This proves the beneficial effect of cannabidiol on recovery from addiction. These studies were repeated in 2018, which finally proved that preparations containing even a trace of CBD could play a significant role in breaking the habit of smoking.

What are the benefits of using CBD to quit smoking?

A 2017 WHO study found that the use of cannabidiol has a number of positive health effects. In addition, CBD has no intoxicating, psychoactive or addictive effects, which gives it a significant advantage over its isomer - THC. In addition to all aspects of health, CBD is characterised by either reducing withdrawal symptoms or eliminating them altogether.

Benefits of using CBD when quitting smoking:

- It is not addictive - this is a very important aspect, because we want to get out of the addiction and not fall into another one at the same time;

- It does not contain nicotine - unlike pharmacological agents supporting smoking cessation, cannabidol does not contain nicotine, and thus does not reduce the body's tolerance to this chemical compound, and completely eliminates it;

- Supports the fight against psychological addiction - psychological addiction is much harder to eliminate than physical addiction. To get rid of the mechanism of reaching for something that you can smoke, you need long weeks, months, or even years of work on yourself. It's hard to stop overnight. Unfortunately, electronic cigarettes have proved to be as harmful as the regular ones, so smoking dried herbs will be the best temporary substitute;

- Calms down - CBD allows you to calm down, which is necessary during stressful recovery from addiction;

- It has health properties - cannabidol has a number of health properties that are still being studied by various scientists around the world. When quitting smoking, we can compensate the body for the damage caused by inhaling tobacco smoke.

What are the options?

CBD can be consumed in many ways, it’s available in the form of oils, capsules, inhalers, vapes or it can be found in dried, ready to smoke hemp. As it might be very hard to get rid of the habit to smoke at first, ready made pre-rolls are a great option for smokers trying to quit. Not only they don’t contain nicotine, but also let you satisfy your habits. If you’d like to try it yourself, we offer great quality pre-rolls: classic, premium, or menthol.


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